Effective Marketing Strategies

it is true that one has to take into consideration circumstances and situations in selecting  effective marketing strategies. in this case we want to focus on a business online dealing with  digital products.

I want to assume that you would want to see some encouraging results in a short period without a big investment, in time and money. You probably know that it is not an easy task. I hope that you, my dear reader are not falling for those promises of immediate riches, described possible while floating in your swimming pool. If you did, you found out the truth the hard way. Even a business online requires some training and knowledge and w o r k.

In the space I have here, I will point to the basic strategies of a marketing plan proven to be working. I’ll put them in order.

1 – Find a market (also called niche). This is the first and very important step. A large market is probably better, as  there are more buyers. you should make sure that there is demand so that you can profit. Last,  but not least  you can  easily have the means of promoting to them.

2 – Research and target. Here you have to choose and select your potential customers. this process is also called  market segmentation. Find out especially about gender, income, age and lifestyle. Closer you hit the target, less  the risk and more the profits.

3 – Design a strategy. That is the way you want to reach your market. This is a very important and critical point. As   there is no perfection in any marketing method, best is to have a mix of the same, of course, within your budget.

   4 – Capture your visitors. You must have a way of not losing all the visitors to your website. Offering something of   real value, related to what you are promoting will do to let the visitors leave their email,  so you can follow up on them.   Rarely someone is convinced and buys on the first visit.

5 – Add Traffic. Without it, you don’t exist. There are many free ways to drive traffic to your website. But some are  a  complete  time.  For quicker results, if you can,  mix some free with paid methods. Again, don’t fall fsome miracle promising results. On my blog you can have a free copy of The Truth About Traffic.

6 – Develop a relationship. People buy from people, not websites (unless yours is something like amazon.com). So they have  to know a little more about you before they can relax and   trust you.  E-mail marketing using an autoresponder, is   is ideal for this purpose. You can’t pay individual attention, when you have too many to follow up.  Also, this way,  you can  promote again to your list of happy buyers.

7 – Track your results. If you don’t you’ll lose time and money. Tracking will show you where your advertising is better invested, so you can save time and money.
With testing and tracking, you’ll get better at the  7 steps process described  above. They are probably the easiest and most effective marketing strategies you can apply.

Gianfranco Focarelli, for experience aware of unrealistic promises, always looking to
identify the easiest and simplest method to successful internet marketing. Please visit
his blog at: http://targetmarketstrategy.com/ and find proven marketing strategies and tactics.

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